Copy the URL from the browser’s address bar to share your information in three simple steps Go to hash.maptiming.com and navigate the map, filter the events or select a location Copy […]

Managing Events

These buttons at the bottom right corner of the map allow anyone to manage the events:  Add a new event  Modify an event  Print a page to announce the events using […]

SEO Google is doing a good job crawling sites with dynamic content, but still it has to know where to look. The navigation on MapTiming is based on browsing the […]

The last couple of days a series of updates has been applied. the iframe for displaying the location or event details is refactored into an AJAX call, to make the […]

Adding a similar event

To add an event to an existing location, or an event that is very similar to an existing event:

There’s no direct way to delete an event, but events will be automatically deleted once they’re in the past.